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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Simplifying the complexities of vitamin "D" dosages

Hi Sam,

There is a lot of confusion today about how much

vitamin D we should be getting in our diet.

The official DRIs (the new term for RDAs) established

by the Food & Nutrition Board of the National Academies

of Science is around 400 IU for most adults. And the UL

(upper limit for safe use) for almost everyone has been

set at 2,000 IU for years.

Almost all experts agree that those levels are too low.

Some doctors (including some that are popular on TV or

the internet) have advised that everyone should be

taking 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D/day.

However, that's probably too much. Many experts warn

that some people are likely to develop vitamin D

toxicity at that level of intake.

Yet, we are hearing that anywhere from 40% to 60% of

Americans are deficient in vitamin D.

No one wants to be deficient in vitamin D, but most

people are confused. They just don't know how much

vitamin D they should be getting in their diet.

This is where Shaklee research has really led the way.

Shaklee has done three clinical studies to determine

what vitamin D intake should be and how to get the

vitamin D that you need.

In the Landmark study (Nutrition Journal, 6:30, 2007)

they demonstrated that people consuming a variety of

Shaklee supplements for 20 years or more generally had

optimal levels of vitamin D in their blood.

They followed that with a study (submitted for

publication) comparing Shaklee supplement users and

non-Shaklee supplement users and showed that 1,000 IU

of vitamin D from Shaklee supplements was associated

with optimal blood levels of vitamin D for most people.

And they have just completed a study with non-Shaklee

users showing that supplementation with 1,000 IU of

vitamin D from Shaklee supplements was sufficient to

bring their blood levels of vitamin D from inadequate

to adequate.

So you might be tempted to think that all you need to

do is get 1,000 IU of vitamin D from Shaklee

supplements and you will be fine.

It's not quite that simple.

You will notice I said that 1,000 IU of vitamin D from

Shaklee supplements resulted in an optimal blood level

of vitamin D for MOST people.

But that doesn't mean that everyone in the study had

optimal blood levels. There were some people who took

1,000 IU of vitamin D, but still had low blood levels.

That's because there is tremendous individual variation

in our need for vitamin D.

Our dietary vitamin D requirements are influenced by a

number of factors such as the time of year, our age,

our skin color, our weight, our exposure to sunlight

and where we live.

Because of that Shaklee has lead the way again with a

simple on-line quiz

that anyone can take to determine

their personal vitamin D requirements and a vitamin D3

supplement to help people customize their intake to

match those requirements.

Finally, someone has taken the confusion out of vitamin

D supplementation!

However, I do have one final note of caution. There are

some genetic differences that also influence vitamin D

requirements, so I do recommend that you have your

blood levels of vitamin D3 determined at your next

doctor's visit.

To Your Health!

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

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