Sam and Bunny Sewell
Invite you to listen in, online to:
A call in, Talk Radio program for Sentinel Radio
Friday, August 28 (8-10 PM ET)The focus of this week’s program will be:
Preventing and Reversing
Disease Naturally
Sam and Bunny will be discussing how natural molecules are often a better choice than drugs
“I Fired My Doctors and Saved My Life”
The book that saves lives and inspires healthy living will be the primary source material for this program
To listen to this program online, go to:
To listen by phone or to call in with questions & comments: (646) 727-2652(We’re always eager for your feedback!)
We hold this truth to be self-evident; Our creator has endowed us with a laser straight path of natural thinking, feeling and behaving that has its origins in a sacred absolute reality. If we stray from that path we will experience pain. If we stay on that path we will be happy, healthy, and whole. “The Natural Advocate” will show you the guideposts and help you navigate along the centerline.
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