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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Are Vaccines Safe? Do they help? Would you rather choose the natural solution to Immune Heath, or do you prefer the government flu shot?

Are Vaccines Safe?  Do they help?  Would you rather choose the natural solution to Immune Heath, or do you prefer the government flu shot?

This article was written by the editor of NaturalNews.  Yes it is a rant.  It also has some validated information and concepts that we need to be adequately  informed

Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine "conclusively" causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for "lifetime medical care" for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine.

Narcolepsy isn't the only side effect now admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also suffered hallucinations and "paralyzing physical collapses," say Finnish researchers.

Remarkably, even though the link between swine flu vaccines and permanent neurological damage in children is now openly admitted by the Finnish government, there is absolutely no talk about halting the utterly unscientific ritual of injecting children with flu vaccines in the first place. Not only are flu vaccines harmful to children (as is now admitted), but flu vaccines don't even work! A simple daily dose of vitamin D would do far more to halt influenza than any vaccine. 

Give Your Immune System a Natural Super-Boost - Vitamin D, Colds the Flu and You

Would you rather choose the natural solution to Immune Heath, or do you prefer the government flu shot?

U.S. refuses to admit vaccines harm anyone

The U.S. government, of course, still refuses to admit vaccines cause any harm whatsoever. Both the government and the vaccine industry continue to push the fabricated fairy tale that "vaccines are safe and effective," meaning they harm no one but help everyone. Yet the truth is practically the polar opposite: Vaccines harm countless millions of children each year in ways that are usually never linked to vaccines (mild mental retardation, suppressed immune function, learning disabilities, etc.). At the same time, vaccines are all but worthless at preventing infections. Even the vaccine industry's own research shows that flu shots only work on 1 out of 100 people, meaning they're completely useless for 99 percent of those who take them. CDC admits flu vaccines don't work (which is why you need a new one every year)

Instead of admitting the truth that vaccines cause autism, the U.S. government has conspired with vaccine manufacturers to create a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program which essentially pays "hush money" to parents of permanently harmed children to make sure they cannot bring their claims of harm to federal courts.

Even worse, the medical establishment -- which is heavily influenced if not downright dominated by pharmaceutical interests -- absolutely refuses to advocate vitamin D as a flu prevention nutrient. Vitamin D is safe, effective and affordable. It's available without a prescription and could save literally billions of dollars in national health care costs for just pennies per day per person. So why won't the medical establishment promote vitamin D? Precisely because it would cost the industry billions of dollars in lost profits from all the sickness and degenerative disease that is prevented by vitamin D.

Of course vaccines cause autism!

There is absolutely no question in the mind of any reasonably informed person that vaccines cause neurological damage, including (but not limited to) autism. Only the corporate-whore scientists around the world continue their charade that vaccines are not linked to autism; or that vaccines even work in the first place. Most Americans haven't yet heard the secret interview with Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman where he openly admits vaccines carry dozens of strains of cancer-causing "stealth" viruses.

Listen to the interview at:

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