In today’s world it is very important that we educate ourselves about healthy living!
Below are some resources to prepare you for Monday’s Health Sciences Seminar
7 PM Monday July 26th – 10202 Vanderbilt Drive – Please call to reserve your seat!
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· Shaklee has a new water filtrations system that out performs all competition, and we have the independent laboratory research to prove it.
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We will explore the exacting science behind the Shaklee Difference that ensures that Shaklee products are ALWAYS GREEN – ALWAYS SAFE – ALWAYS WORK
Here is a video hint:
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We have the results of the “Product Review: Fish Oil/Omega-3 Supplements and EPA/DHA” study from a third party research lab.:
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Why quality control testing is so necessary for Omega-3 Supplements
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 239/591-4565
Products in harmony with nature! Sam & Bunny Sewell
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Facts about B-Complex

Facts about B-Complex
B vitamins are referred to as the "happy vitamins" – the "cope-ability vitamins."
The most important thing to remember is that ALL 8 Essential B VITAMINS should be
taken together in "COMPLEX" form and in the proper ratio. (You can throw your metabolism off by taking an isolated B vitamin…or ones that are out of balance.)
Research has shown that Folic Acid (a B Vitamin VERY important to health) is hard to break away from the tableting material….Shaklee developed a patented process to coat B Complex with Folic Acid so that it is the 1st to be released.
If a person is tired, irritable, nervous, depressed, or even suicidal expect a vitamin B deficiency.
B vitamins are destroyed by intense heat, slow cooking, light, baking soda and baking powder.
Extremely effective in alleviating PMS and Menopausal symptoms. (Calcium Magnesium will help with chocolate cravings during PMS, also relieves muscle cramps; abdominal, leg, etc.)
SUGAR, ALCOHOL, CAFFEINE and STRESS all destroy B vitamins.
People deficient in B vitamins quickly become anemic, are nervous, do not sleep well (insomnia), crave sweets, and have high cholesterol levels. A slight deficiency can cause abnormal heart action, constipation, and mental depression.
~Acne or other skin problems indicate a lack of B vitamins.
~B vitamins are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system.
~B-Complex is essential in calming hyperactivity in children with none of the side effects that medications produce.
~B vitamins convert fats into energy.
~Infection and stress increase need for B-Complex. Sulfa drugs, sleeping pills, and estrogen destroy B Vitamins.
~B vitamins help boost the immune system.
~Adequate amounts of B-Complex have been found to control migraine headaches and attacks of Meniere's Syndrome.
~Massive dosages have been used to improve polio, cases of shingles, and postoperative nausea and vomiting (resulting from anesthesia).
B vitamins are referred to as the "happy vitamins" – the "cope-ability vitamins."
The most important thing to remember is that ALL 8 Essential B VITAMINS should be
taken together in "COMPLEX" form and in the proper ratio. (You can throw your metabolism off by taking an isolated B vitamin…or ones that are out of balance.)
Research has shown that Folic Acid (a B Vitamin VERY important to health) is hard to break away from the tableting material….Shaklee developed a patented process to coat B Complex with Folic Acid so that it is the 1st to be released.
If a person is tired, irritable, nervous, depressed, or even suicidal expect a vitamin B deficiency.
B vitamins are destroyed by intense heat, slow cooking, light, baking soda and baking powder.
Extremely effective in alleviating PMS and Menopausal symptoms. (Calcium Magnesium will help with chocolate cravings during PMS, also relieves muscle cramps; abdominal, leg, etc.)
SUGAR, ALCOHOL, CAFFEINE and STRESS all destroy B vitamins.
People deficient in B vitamins quickly become anemic, are nervous, do not sleep well (insomnia), crave sweets, and have high cholesterol levels. A slight deficiency can cause abnormal heart action, constipation, and mental depression.
~Acne or other skin problems indicate a lack of B vitamins.
~B vitamins are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system.
~B-Complex is essential in calming hyperactivity in children with none of the side effects that medications produce.
~B vitamins convert fats into energy.
~Infection and stress increase need for B-Complex. Sulfa drugs, sleeping pills, and estrogen destroy B Vitamins.
~B vitamins help boost the immune system.
~Adequate amounts of B-Complex have been found to control migraine headaches and attacks of Meniere's Syndrome.
~Massive dosages have been used to improve polio, cases of shingles, and postoperative nausea and vomiting (resulting from anesthesia).
B vitamins help with fatigue, skin disorders, cracks at the corner of the mouth and cracks in your cuticles, ridges in your nails, anemia, tender gums, hair loss, constipation, burning feet, burning and dry eyes.
~B-Complex aids in digestion.
~B-Complex is chiefly responsible for the health of the digestive tract, the skin, mouth, tongue, eyes, nerves, arteries, and liver.
~B vitamins are water-soluble; thus, need to be taken through the day.
And of course the Folic Acid in the Balanced Shaklee B Complex decreases the risk in pregnancy of neurotube defects in the baby…that’s why prenatal vitamins are “prenatal”…so that the baby can have the Folic Acid very early in the pregnancy. Shaklee’s Vitalizer and added B Complex, along with daily Cinch protein Shakes have been an excellent choice of prenatal vitamins for mothers for years!
B Complex Vitamins
In Summary...
B Vitamins are needed by the:
· Brain and Nervous System
· Immune System
· Skin
· Hormones
B Vitamins are used up:
· whenever we evoke the stress response
· anytime we eat...
1. white flour
2. sugar
3. caffeine
4. alcohol
Just to metabolize these foods, we burn up B's
B Vitamins are normalizers:
if you are fatigued, they help to give you energy
if you are hyperactive, they help to calm you down
Most B Vitamins are used or lost in 2-4 hours & need to be replaced to keep the blood levels up. Shaklee’s Sustained Release Formula, found in the Vitalizer Strips, provides a constant source of nutrients throughout the day.
Most of us who take enough B's can tell the difference in our mood, energy and patience; and may add 2 Shaklee B Complex, two-to three times a day during stressful times, as needed. The evening dose seems to help in keeping blood sugar from being so low in the morning.
There are 8 essential B’s in Shaklee’s B Complex, balanced and complete.
20186 B Complex 120 tablets $21.70 Member Net
20194 B Complex 240 tablets $40.75 Member Net (save $2.65)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 239/591-4565
Products in harmony with nature! Sam & Bunny Sewell
~B-Complex aids in digestion.
~B-Complex is chiefly responsible for the health of the digestive tract, the skin, mouth, tongue, eyes, nerves, arteries, and liver.
~B vitamins are water-soluble; thus, need to be taken through the day.
And of course the Folic Acid in the Balanced Shaklee B Complex decreases the risk in pregnancy of neurotube defects in the baby…that’s why prenatal vitamins are “prenatal”…so that the baby can have the Folic Acid very early in the pregnancy. Shaklee’s Vitalizer and added B Complex, along with daily Cinch protein Shakes have been an excellent choice of prenatal vitamins for mothers for years!
B Complex Vitamins
In Summary...
B Vitamins are needed by the:
· Brain and Nervous System
· Immune System
· Skin
· Hormones
B Vitamins are used up:
· whenever we evoke the stress response
· anytime we eat...
1. white flour
2. sugar
3. caffeine
4. alcohol
Just to metabolize these foods, we burn up B's
B Vitamins are normalizers:
if you are fatigued, they help to give you energy
if you are hyperactive, they help to calm you down
Most B Vitamins are used or lost in 2-4 hours & need to be replaced to keep the blood levels up. Shaklee’s Sustained Release Formula, found in the Vitalizer Strips, provides a constant source of nutrients throughout the day.
Most of us who take enough B's can tell the difference in our mood, energy and patience; and may add 2 Shaklee B Complex, two-to three times a day during stressful times, as needed. The evening dose seems to help in keeping blood sugar from being so low in the morning.
There are 8 essential B’s in Shaklee’s B Complex, balanced and complete.
20186 B Complex 120 tablets $21.70 Member Net
20194 B Complex 240 tablets $40.75 Member Net (save $2.65)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 239/591-4565
Products in harmony with nature! Sam & Bunny Sewell
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Get Fishy. Be Happy! - Miracle "Fatty Acid"

Eat fish, be happy
By JUDY FOREMAN, Health and Fitness News Service
April 19, 2005
Feeling depressed?
Ask not what your parents did or didn't do when you were a child. Ask yourself what you had for dinner last night, and the night before, and the night before that.
For a half-dozen years, the evidence has been growing that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon, sardines and tuna can help prevent and treat depression.
Rich in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), these are among the "good" oils that have long been known to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. They are also the oils that, in recent decades, in tandem with rising depression rates, Americans have not been getting enough of.
Omega-3s combat autoimmune diseases, reduce cardiac arrhythmias and are crucial to the development of the spinal cord, brain and retina in infants and to healthy brain functioning in adults. The case for linking low omega-3 levels to depression is strong, though not yet a slam-dunk.
But there is little risk and significant benefit to following the American Heart Association recommendation to eat fish at least twice a week and, if you already have heart disease, to take at least 1 gram a day of supplements containing EPA and DHA.
The latest evidence for the role of omega-3 fatty acids and depression was revealed in February when researchers from McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., reported that omega-3 fatty acids, plus uridine, a substance found commonly in protein-rich foods, prevented depression in rats just as well as antidepressant drugs.
The effect of uridine was immediate, said Bill Carlezon, director of the behavioral genetics lab at McLean. It took 30 days for omega-3 to kick in. But combining the two made omega-3 effective three times faster.
"There is something to this story," said Dr. Andrew Leuchter, vice chairman of psychiatry at the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA. "I have seen enough patients who treat themselves with omega-3 fatty acids to think these substances may have, at least in some individuals, potent effects on mood."
No one knows exactly why omega-3s might protect against depression, but theories abound. One is that depression may, in part, be an inflammatory problem, which omega-3s can dampen, said Dr. Andrew Stoll, director of psychopharmacology at McLean. Another is that the oils keep cell membranes more fluid, making it easier for receptors to respond to neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is often deficient in depression. Another is that omega-3s may boost levels of serotonin.
Whatever the underlying mechanism, "the epidemiological evidence is huge," Stoll said, that omega-3s can protect against depression.
Overall, major depression is 60 times more prevalent in countries where little fish is eaten, said Dr. Joseph R. Hibbeln, senior clinical investigator at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, Md.
In 1998, Hibbeln and others showed that high fish-eating countries like Japan and Taiwan have very low rates of depression, while low fish-eating countries like Germany and the United States have high rates. "When you compare rates of depression across populations," he said, "there is a consistent finding of strikingly lower rates of major depression, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder and postpartum depression in countries where people eat more seafood."
Small clinical trials also support the association, though not uniformly.
A 2002 double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 20 people in Israel, for instance, showed that adding EPA to standard antidepressants significantly decreased depression after three weeks. A 2002 Scottish study of 60 people came to similar conclusions when patients added a 1-gram daily supplement of EPA to their standard treatment. (Interestingly, higher doses did not work as well.) A 2002 Taiwanese study of 28 people using both EPA and DHA also found significant improvement in depression scores, compared with a placebo.
But not all studies support this. Research from New Zealand, Finland and Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas) found no evidence that consuming omega-3s improved mood.
In the plus column, bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depression, also seems to be helped by omega-3 fatty acids. A study comparing 10 countries showed that higher fish consumption correlated with lower rates of bipolar disorder. A 1999 study by Stoll of McLean showed that giving fish-oil supplements to people with bipolar disorder reduced episodes of depression and mania.
Omega-3 fatty acids also appear to reduce hostility and homicide. Several studies have found that low intake of fish and omega-3s correlates with higher rates of hostility, which is often associated with depression in males.
And postpartum depression also appears linked to omega-3 levels. A study of women in 23 countries showed that women who ate less seafood and had lower rates of DHA in their breast milk were more likely to have postpartum depression. Pilot studies by Dr. Marlene Freeman, director of the Women's Mental Health Program at the University of Arizona, Tucson, suggest taking DHA and EPA can reduce postpartum depression by 50 percent.
(Many pregnant women and nursing mothers, added Freeman, have been frightened about eating any kind of fish because of government warnings of particularly high mercury levels in a few species: king mackerel, shark, swordfish and tilefish. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition advocacy group, said sardines and salmon contain little mercury; women of reproductive age should probably limit their consumption of canned tuna to 1 can of white or 2 cans of light tuna per week.)
Even borderline personality disorder, characterized by volatile interpersonal relationships and impulsivity, seems to respond to omega-3 treatment. Yet another McLean study of 30 patients found that EPA, without any other medication, improved symptoms of borderline personality.
That's more than enough evidence for me. Given the longstanding overall health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and the newly emerging psychiatric benefits, the conclusion is a no-brainer. Eat fish twice a week. And if you hate fish (as I do), take at least 1 gram a day of a supplement with EPA and DHA.
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Choosing a high quality Omega supplement can give you the advantages of fish oil without the risks of eating contaminated fish.
By JUDY FOREMAN, Health and Fitness News Service
April 19, 2005
Feeling depressed?
Ask not what your parents did or didn't do when you were a child. Ask yourself what you had for dinner last night, and the night before, and the night before that.
For a half-dozen years, the evidence has been growing that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon, sardines and tuna can help prevent and treat depression.
Rich in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), these are among the "good" oils that have long been known to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. They are also the oils that, in recent decades, in tandem with rising depression rates, Americans have not been getting enough of.
Omega-3s combat autoimmune diseases, reduce cardiac arrhythmias and are crucial to the development of the spinal cord, brain and retina in infants and to healthy brain functioning in adults. The case for linking low omega-3 levels to depression is strong, though not yet a slam-dunk.
But there is little risk and significant benefit to following the American Heart Association recommendation to eat fish at least twice a week and, if you already have heart disease, to take at least 1 gram a day of supplements containing EPA and DHA.
The latest evidence for the role of omega-3 fatty acids and depression was revealed in February when researchers from McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., reported that omega-3 fatty acids, plus uridine, a substance found commonly in protein-rich foods, prevented depression in rats just as well as antidepressant drugs.
The effect of uridine was immediate, said Bill Carlezon, director of the behavioral genetics lab at McLean. It took 30 days for omega-3 to kick in. But combining the two made omega-3 effective three times faster.
"There is something to this story," said Dr. Andrew Leuchter, vice chairman of psychiatry at the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA. "I have seen enough patients who treat themselves with omega-3 fatty acids to think these substances may have, at least in some individuals, potent effects on mood."
No one knows exactly why omega-3s might protect against depression, but theories abound. One is that depression may, in part, be an inflammatory problem, which omega-3s can dampen, said Dr. Andrew Stoll, director of psychopharmacology at McLean. Another is that the oils keep cell membranes more fluid, making it easier for receptors to respond to neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is often deficient in depression. Another is that omega-3s may boost levels of serotonin.
Whatever the underlying mechanism, "the epidemiological evidence is huge," Stoll said, that omega-3s can protect against depression.
Overall, major depression is 60 times more prevalent in countries where little fish is eaten, said Dr. Joseph R. Hibbeln, senior clinical investigator at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, Md.
In 1998, Hibbeln and others showed that high fish-eating countries like Japan and Taiwan have very low rates of depression, while low fish-eating countries like Germany and the United States have high rates. "When you compare rates of depression across populations," he said, "there is a consistent finding of strikingly lower rates of major depression, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder and postpartum depression in countries where people eat more seafood."
Small clinical trials also support the association, though not uniformly.
A 2002 double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 20 people in Israel, for instance, showed that adding EPA to standard antidepressants significantly decreased depression after three weeks. A 2002 Scottish study of 60 people came to similar conclusions when patients added a 1-gram daily supplement of EPA to their standard treatment. (Interestingly, higher doses did not work as well.) A 2002 Taiwanese study of 28 people using both EPA and DHA also found significant improvement in depression scores, compared with a placebo.
But not all studies support this. Research from New Zealand, Finland and Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas) found no evidence that consuming omega-3s improved mood.
In the plus column, bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depression, also seems to be helped by omega-3 fatty acids. A study comparing 10 countries showed that higher fish consumption correlated with lower rates of bipolar disorder. A 1999 study by Stoll of McLean showed that giving fish-oil supplements to people with bipolar disorder reduced episodes of depression and mania.
Omega-3 fatty acids also appear to reduce hostility and homicide. Several studies have found that low intake of fish and omega-3s correlates with higher rates of hostility, which is often associated with depression in males.
And postpartum depression also appears linked to omega-3 levels. A study of women in 23 countries showed that women who ate less seafood and had lower rates of DHA in their breast milk were more likely to have postpartum depression. Pilot studies by Dr. Marlene Freeman, director of the Women's Mental Health Program at the University of Arizona, Tucson, suggest taking DHA and EPA can reduce postpartum depression by 50 percent.
(Many pregnant women and nursing mothers, added Freeman, have been frightened about eating any kind of fish because of government warnings of particularly high mercury levels in a few species: king mackerel, shark, swordfish and tilefish. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition advocacy group, said sardines and salmon contain little mercury; women of reproductive age should probably limit their consumption of canned tuna to 1 can of white or 2 cans of light tuna per week.)
Even borderline personality disorder, characterized by volatile interpersonal relationships and impulsivity, seems to respond to omega-3 treatment. Yet another McLean study of 30 patients found that EPA, without any other medication, improved symptoms of borderline personality.
That's more than enough evidence for me. Given the longstanding overall health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and the newly emerging psychiatric benefits, the conclusion is a no-brainer. Eat fish twice a week. And if you hate fish (as I do), take at least 1 gram a day of a supplement with EPA and DHA.
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Choosing a high quality Omega supplement can give you the advantages of fish oil without the risks of eating contaminated fish.
None of the Shaklee products were found to contain detectable levels of mercury.
By comparison, mercury levels in fish generally range from 10 ppb to 1,000 ppb, depending on the fish. In addition, none of the Shaklee products contained unsafe levels of lead or PCBs.
PCBs have been found in several fish including farm-raised salmon. There were no PCBs in Shaklee OmegaGuard
Shaklee OmegaGuard was also tested for dioxins, which can be found in some fish. However, no OmegaGuard supplements contained unsafe levels of dioxins. Product Info Sheet Bunny<>Sam Sewell 239/591-4565 Always Safe, Always Green, Always Works Products in harmony With Nature!
By comparison, mercury levels in fish generally range from 10 ppb to 1,000 ppb, depending on the fish. In addition, none of the Shaklee products contained unsafe levels of lead or PCBs.
PCBs have been found in several fish including farm-raised salmon. There were no PCBs in Shaklee OmegaGuard
Shaklee OmegaGuard was also tested for dioxins, which can be found in some fish. However, no OmegaGuard supplements contained unsafe levels of dioxins. Product Info Sheet Bunny<>Sam Sewell 239/591-4565 Always Safe, Always Green, Always Works Products in harmony With Nature!
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Product Review: Fish Oil/Omega-3 Supplements and EPA/DHA
What It Is:
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two principal fatty acids found in fish. They belong to a family of essential nutrients known a s omega-3 fatty acids. DHA can also be obtained from other marine sources, such as algae (algal oil). EPA and DHA are polyunsaturated fats ("good" fats, as opposed to saturated fats which are thought to increase the risk of heart disease). The body can manufacture both EPA and DHA from another essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) -- found in flaxseed oil, canola oil, soy oil and walnut oil -- but only to a limited extent. For more information about ALA see the separate review covering ALA and GLA products.
What It Does:
Cardiovascular Disease:
Omega-3 fatty acids have been most widely studied regarding their effects on cardiovascular health. Increased consumption of fish oil may help slow the progression of atherosclerosis, thereby preventing heart attacks, and reduce the risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrhythmias. The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have a number of
heart-healthy effects, including reducing triglyceride levels, raising levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol and, possibly, "thinning" the blood, reducing levels of homocysteine and reducing blood pressure. Fish oils also appear to enhance the effectiveness of statin drugs used to improve cholesterol profile. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permits supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids to state: "Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."
Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Diseases:
Increased intake of the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil alter the body's production of substances known as prostaglandins, and, consequently, reduce some forms of inflammation. On the basis of this, EPA and DHA have been tried in the treatment of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis with considerable success (especially in early stages of the disease). Unlike "disease modifying" drugs, however, fish oil probably doesn't slow the progression of the disease.
The anti-inflammatory effects of EPA and DHA have also caused researchers to investigate possible benefits of fish oil for the treatment of menstrual cramps, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), lupus, and IgA nephropathy. For each of these conditions, at least one double-blind study has found positive results. However, in Crohn's disease, a trial of four grams per day of omega-3 fatty acids (50-60% EPA and 15-25% DHA) was ineffective at preventing relapses.
Psychiatric and Mental Disorders:
For reasons that are less clear, omega-3s seem to help depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia according to a limited number of double-blind trials. The combination of EPA plus the prescription drug fluoxetine (Prozac) was better than either EPA or fluoxetine alone for treating major depression in a short-term (8-week) study of 60 people.
Fish oil has also been proposed for attention deficit disorder, borderline personality disorder, dyslexia and cognitive impairment, but as yet the supporting evidence for these uses remains preliminary.
Other Diseases:
Other proposed uses of fish oils with some support include asthma, Raynaud's phenomenon (abnormal sensitivity of hands and feet to cold), chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis, reducing the risk of prostate and colorectal cancer and preventing weight loss during cancer chemotherapy.
DHA is important for normal development and functioning of the brain and retina in the fetus and in infants. For this reason, it is thought that pregnant or nursing mothers may benefit from supplementation. DHA is also often added to formula for premature infants and some regular infant formulas and foods. Omega-3's may also reduce the risk of
premature delivery in pregnant women.
The balance of current evidence suggests that fish oil is not effective for migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, male infertility and enhancing immunity in people with HIV.
Pet Use:
Fish oil supplements are commonly given to pets to help maintain their coats and skin. [Reviews of other pet supplements by include ALA and GLA, Joint Supplements and Multivitamins/ Multiminerals.]
Quality Concerns and What CL Tested for:
Because omega-3 fatty acids are obtained from natural sources, levels in supplements can vary, depending on the source and method of processing. Contamination has also been an issue, because fish can accumulate toxins such as mercury, dioxins, and PCBs. Mercury can damage the nervous system -- particularly in a fetus. Dioxins and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may be carcinogens at low levels of exposure over time and may have other deleterious effects. The freshness of the oil is also an important consideration because rancid fish oils have an extremely unpleasant odor and may not be as effective. Additionally, some capsules are enteric-coated and are expected to release the oil after the stomach to theoretically reduce fishy breath odor. If they release too soon they lose that potential benefit. If they release too late, the oil may not get absorbed.
Neither the FDA nor any other federal or state agency routinely tests fish or marine oil supplements for quality prior to sale.
OmegaGuard supplies full-spectrum potency of ultrapure, pharmaceutical grade omega-3 fatty acids. Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.† Research also shows that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health and help retain normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Omega-3s also support healthy brain, vision, and joint function.*
Ultra-pure OmegaGuard, the world’s finest fish oil that delivers a full spectrum of seven omega-3s including EPA, DHA, ALA, and more.
• Research shows that high levels of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may:
- Help reduce the risk of heart disease†3
- Help retain healthy triglyceride levels*5
- Help retain normal blood pressure*4
- Support brain2, visual1, and joint function*6
• Over 4,500 research studies on omega-3 fatty acids' effects on overall health have been conducted in the last 25 years.
• The average American intake of EPA and DHA is only 0.1 to 0.2 g/day, even though the American Heart Association recommends at least two fish meals per week to provide an intake of about 0.3 to 0.5 g/day of EPA and DHA.
• Most American diets provide more than ten times as much omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids, even though there is general scientific agreement that individuals should consume more omega-3 and less omega-6 fatty acids to promote good health.
Research shows that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health and help retain normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels.*
† Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA fatty acids may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Dietary Supplement Ultra-pure, full-spectrum potency of seven omega-3s
THE CHALLENGE According to the Centers for Disease Control and the American Heart Association (AHA),heart disease — specifically coronary artery disease — is still the number one cause of death of men and women in the United States. And while it was once considered a man's disease, today more women than men die from heart disease. And unfortunately, at least 100 million Americans have one or more risk factors for heart disease.
To reduce the risk of heart disease, the AHA recommends eating two servings of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids each week. But most Americans eat fish only three times per month or less. Moreover, there are growing concerns about unsafe levels of contaminants such as mercury and lead that are now commonly found in many fish.
• Purity
- Ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil made with a proprietary triple molecular distillation process. Concentrates beneficial omega-3s while helping remove contaminants such as lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, dioxins, and PCBs
- Suppresses formation of dangerous trans fats for a healthier fish oil
- Minimizes odor and fishy aftertaste
- Uses no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
• Potency
- A full spectrum of seven naturally occurring omega-3 fatty acids including EPA, DHA, ALA and more
- Contains higher levels of EPA and DHA than leading brands
For more info, contact Sam & Bunny Sewell 239/591-4565
What It Is:
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two principal fatty acids found in fish. They belong to a family of essential nutrients known a s omega-3 fatty acids. DHA can also be obtained from other marine sources, such as algae (algal oil). EPA and DHA are polyunsaturated fats ("good" fats, as opposed to saturated fats which are thought to increase the risk of heart disease). The body can manufacture both EPA and DHA from another essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) -- found in flaxseed oil, canola oil, soy oil and walnut oil -- but only to a limited extent. For more information about ALA see the separate review covering ALA and GLA products.
What It Does:
Cardiovascular Disease:
Omega-3 fatty acids have been most widely studied regarding their effects on cardiovascular health. Increased consumption of fish oil may help slow the progression of atherosclerosis, thereby preventing heart attacks, and reduce the risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrhythmias. The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have a number of
heart-healthy effects, including reducing triglyceride levels, raising levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol and, possibly, "thinning" the blood, reducing levels of homocysteine and reducing blood pressure. Fish oils also appear to enhance the effectiveness of statin drugs used to improve cholesterol profile. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permits supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids to state: "Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."
Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Diseases:
Increased intake of the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil alter the body's production of substances known as prostaglandins, and, consequently, reduce some forms of inflammation. On the basis of this, EPA and DHA have been tried in the treatment of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis with considerable success (especially in early stages of the disease). Unlike "disease modifying" drugs, however, fish oil probably doesn't slow the progression of the disease.
The anti-inflammatory effects of EPA and DHA have also caused researchers to investigate possible benefits of fish oil for the treatment of menstrual cramps, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), lupus, and IgA nephropathy. For each of these conditions, at least one double-blind study has found positive results. However, in Crohn's disease, a trial of four grams per day of omega-3 fatty acids (50-60% EPA and 15-25% DHA) was ineffective at preventing relapses.
Psychiatric and Mental Disorders:
For reasons that are less clear, omega-3s seem to help depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia according to a limited number of double-blind trials. The combination of EPA plus the prescription drug fluoxetine (Prozac) was better than either EPA or fluoxetine alone for treating major depression in a short-term (8-week) study of 60 people.
Fish oil has also been proposed for attention deficit disorder, borderline personality disorder, dyslexia and cognitive impairment, but as yet the supporting evidence for these uses remains preliminary.
Other Diseases:
Other proposed uses of fish oils with some support include asthma, Raynaud's phenomenon (abnormal sensitivity of hands and feet to cold), chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis, reducing the risk of prostate and colorectal cancer and preventing weight loss during cancer chemotherapy.
DHA is important for normal development and functioning of the brain and retina in the fetus and in infants. For this reason, it is thought that pregnant or nursing mothers may benefit from supplementation. DHA is also often added to formula for premature infants and some regular infant formulas and foods. Omega-3's may also reduce the risk of
premature delivery in pregnant women.
The balance of current evidence suggests that fish oil is not effective for migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, male infertility and enhancing immunity in people with HIV.
Pet Use:
Fish oil supplements are commonly given to pets to help maintain their coats and skin. [Reviews of other pet supplements by include ALA and GLA, Joint Supplements and Multivitamins/ Multiminerals.]
Quality Concerns and What CL Tested for:
Because omega-3 fatty acids are obtained from natural sources, levels in supplements can vary, depending on the source and method of processing. Contamination has also been an issue, because fish can accumulate toxins such as mercury, dioxins, and PCBs. Mercury can damage the nervous system -- particularly in a fetus. Dioxins and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may be carcinogens at low levels of exposure over time and may have other deleterious effects. The freshness of the oil is also an important consideration because rancid fish oils have an extremely unpleasant odor and may not be as effective. Additionally, some capsules are enteric-coated and are expected to release the oil after the stomach to theoretically reduce fishy breath odor. If they release too soon they lose that potential benefit. If they release too late, the oil may not get absorbed.
Neither the FDA nor any other federal or state agency routinely tests fish or marine oil supplements for quality prior to sale.
OmegaGuard supplies full-spectrum potency of ultrapure, pharmaceutical grade omega-3 fatty acids. Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.† Research also shows that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health and help retain normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Omega-3s also support healthy brain, vision, and joint function.*
Ultra-pure OmegaGuard, the world’s finest fish oil that delivers a full spectrum of seven omega-3s including EPA, DHA, ALA, and more.
• Research shows that high levels of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may:
- Help reduce the risk of heart disease†3
- Help retain healthy triglyceride levels*5
- Help retain normal blood pressure*4
- Support brain2, visual1, and joint function*6
• Over 4,500 research studies on omega-3 fatty acids' effects on overall health have been conducted in the last 25 years.
• The average American intake of EPA and DHA is only 0.1 to 0.2 g/day, even though the American Heart Association recommends at least two fish meals per week to provide an intake of about 0.3 to 0.5 g/day of EPA and DHA.
• Most American diets provide more than ten times as much omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids, even though there is general scientific agreement that individuals should consume more omega-3 and less omega-6 fatty acids to promote good health.
Research shows that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health and help retain normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels.*
† Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA fatty acids may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Dietary Supplement Ultra-pure, full-spectrum potency of seven omega-3s
THE CHALLENGE According to the Centers for Disease Control and the American Heart Association (AHA),heart disease — specifically coronary artery disease — is still the number one cause of death of men and women in the United States. And while it was once considered a man's disease, today more women than men die from heart disease. And unfortunately, at least 100 million Americans have one or more risk factors for heart disease.
To reduce the risk of heart disease, the AHA recommends eating two servings of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids each week. But most Americans eat fish only three times per month or less. Moreover, there are growing concerns about unsafe levels of contaminants such as mercury and lead that are now commonly found in many fish.
• Purity
- Ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil made with a proprietary triple molecular distillation process. Concentrates beneficial omega-3s while helping remove contaminants such as lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, dioxins, and PCBs
- Suppresses formation of dangerous trans fats for a healthier fish oil
- Minimizes odor and fishy aftertaste
- Uses no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
• Potency
- A full spectrum of seven naturally occurring omega-3 fatty acids including EPA, DHA, ALA and more
- Contains higher levels of EPA and DHA than leading brands
For more info, contact Sam & Bunny Sewell 239/591-4565
Friday, July 16, 2010
Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe
Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe
Monday, July 12, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Nearly 20 years ago, Danish scientists first broke the news to the world that men from Western countries seem to be slowly becoming infertile. Recent research seems to back this up as well, with average sperm counts having dropped to half of what they were 50 years ago.
According to reports, nearly 20 percent of men between the ages of 18 and 25 have sperm counts that are abnormally low. To put this in perspective, consider the fact that in the 1940s, men had an average of about 100 million sperm cells per millimeter of semen (m/ml). Today, the average is around 60m/ml. Those among the 20 percent with abnormal levels have less than 20m/ml.
So what is the cause behind decreasing sperm counts? Realistically, there is probably more than just one cause. Environmental toxins, synthetic food and water additives, and estrogenic substances in food are all likely culprits.
"It's most likely a reflection of the fact that many environmental and lifestyle changes over the past 50 years are inherently detrimental to sperm production," explained Professor Richard Sharpe, a fertility research expert at the Medical Research Council, in a U.K. report.
But what scientists believe may be the biggest cause of poor semen quality in men has more to do with what their mothers were exposed to during pregnancy, than what the men themselves are exposed to throughout their lifetimes.
A case in point is the disastrous chemical accident that occurred in 1976 in Seveso, Italy. The incident caused the highest known human exposure to toxic chemical dioxins. It was later revealed that pregnant women who were exposed to the chemical during that time bore male children who ended up having poor sperm counts.
Other studies also seem to lend credence to the idea that lifelong sperm counts are determined during the early stages of male fetal development. Interference with the Sertoli cells, which are responsible for proper sperm development during fetal development, can lead to lifelong sperm production problems in males.
"Maternal-lifestyle factors in pregnancy can have quite substantial effects on sperm counts in sons in adulthood, and the most logical mechanism by which this could occur is via reducing the number of Sertoli cells," explained Professor Sharpe.
In other words, prenatal exposure to toxic chemicals is a serious threat to male health, which ultimately threatens the existence of mankind.
Natural Solutions to Male Health Risk from Toxins
You may never need Viagra - Just clean out the poison from under your sink.
Host of common chemicals damaging maleness
Monday, July 12, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Nearly 20 years ago, Danish scientists first broke the news to the world that men from Western countries seem to be slowly becoming infertile. Recent research seems to back this up as well, with average sperm counts having dropped to half of what they were 50 years ago.
According to reports, nearly 20 percent of men between the ages of 18 and 25 have sperm counts that are abnormally low. To put this in perspective, consider the fact that in the 1940s, men had an average of about 100 million sperm cells per millimeter of semen (m/ml). Today, the average is around 60m/ml. Those among the 20 percent with abnormal levels have less than 20m/ml.
So what is the cause behind decreasing sperm counts? Realistically, there is probably more than just one cause. Environmental toxins, synthetic food and water additives, and estrogenic substances in food are all likely culprits.
"It's most likely a reflection of the fact that many environmental and lifestyle changes over the past 50 years are inherently detrimental to sperm production," explained Professor Richard Sharpe, a fertility research expert at the Medical Research Council, in a U.K. report.
But what scientists believe may be the biggest cause of poor semen quality in men has more to do with what their mothers were exposed to during pregnancy, than what the men themselves are exposed to throughout their lifetimes.
A case in point is the disastrous chemical accident that occurred in 1976 in Seveso, Italy. The incident caused the highest known human exposure to toxic chemical dioxins. It was later revealed that pregnant women who were exposed to the chemical during that time bore male children who ended up having poor sperm counts.
Other studies also seem to lend credence to the idea that lifelong sperm counts are determined during the early stages of male fetal development. Interference with the Sertoli cells, which are responsible for proper sperm development during fetal development, can lead to lifelong sperm production problems in males.
"Maternal-lifestyle factors in pregnancy can have quite substantial effects on sperm counts in sons in adulthood, and the most logical mechanism by which this could occur is via reducing the number of Sertoli cells," explained Professor Sharpe.
In other words, prenatal exposure to toxic chemicals is a serious threat to male health, which ultimately threatens the existence of mankind.
Natural Solutions to Male Health Risk from Toxins
You may never need Viagra - Just clean out the poison from under your sink.
Host of common chemicals damaging maleness
Sunday, July 11, 2010
We have it! Come see it! RSVP for Monday, 7-8:30PM

Despite the chemical industry uproar and legal threats, we have a copy of the video which cleaning product manufacturers DO NOT want you to see!
“Are You Exposing Your Children to a Toxic Brew In Your Home?”
"This video is opening up people's eyes like you would NOT believe. Thank you so much for this great tool !!" CO, Shakopee, MN
"What's great about this video is that it's unbiased!" CB, Orange City, Iowa
"The Toxic Brew video is fantastic! I can't wait to send it to everyone who has, or cares about children." AK, Graton, California
"Toxic Brew is awesome, matter of fact, and not too long. It presents important information but not in a scary manner." PN, Fort Worth, Texas
"Toxic Brew is marvelous and professional. It's good for helping others to make intelligent choices." CC, Henderson, Nevada
Monday evening’s Parent’s and Grandparent’s Seminar on
“Keeping our Children Safe and Healthy” includes the following curriculum:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Toxic Brew the 20 minute video! Don’t be late. We’re showing it first!
This video is a segment from a consumer awareness television program, perfectly suited to raise awareness about toxic household products!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The Solution: The Healthy Home Video - only 3:26 minutes
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Roger Barnett talks about the history and accomplishments of environmentally safe cleaning products – 4 min.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Journalist Sloan Barnett ‘s “The Real Dirt on Get Clean,” an “in house environment awareness seminar” 20 min
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Sloan Barnett and Dr. Jamie McManus discuss children’s nutrition – 20min
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“Healthy babies and kids” 2:20 short and cute J
* * * * * * * * * * *
A “Question and Answer” period featuring Dr. Greg Barnes in a personal appearance.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Parents/Grandparents Seminar!
Monday July 12th, 7-8:30 PM
(little ones welcome!)
10202 Vanderbilt Dr (NE corner at 102nd Ave.) Naples, Fl 34108
Be sure to get your reservations in! (only room for 40) ~ 591-4565
Living in harmony with nature!
Despite the chemical industry uproar and legal threats, we have a copy of the video which cleaning product manufacturers DO NOT want you to see!
“Are You Exposing Your Children to a Toxic Brew In Your Home?”
"This video is opening up people's eyes like you would NOT believe. Thank you so much for this great tool !!" CO, Shakopee, MN
"What's great about this video is that it's unbiased!" CB, Orange City, Iowa
"The Toxic Brew video is fantastic! I can't wait to send it to everyone who has, or cares about children." AK, Graton, California
"Toxic Brew is awesome, matter of fact, and not too long. It presents important information but not in a scary manner." PN, Fort Worth, Texas
"Toxic Brew is marvelous and professional. It's good for helping others to make intelligent choices." CC, Henderson, Nevada
Monday evening’s Parent’s and Grandparent’s Seminar on
“Keeping our Children Safe and Healthy” includes the following curriculum:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Toxic Brew the 20 minute video! Don’t be late. We’re showing it first!
This video is a segment from a consumer awareness television program, perfectly suited to raise awareness about toxic household products!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The Solution: The Healthy Home Video - only 3:26 minutes
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Roger Barnett talks about the history and accomplishments of environmentally safe cleaning products – 4 min.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Journalist Sloan Barnett ‘s “The Real Dirt on Get Clean,” an “in house environment awareness seminar” 20 min
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Sloan Barnett and Dr. Jamie McManus discuss children’s nutrition – 20min
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“Healthy babies and kids” 2:20 short and cute J
* * * * * * * * * * *
A “Question and Answer” period featuring Dr. Greg Barnes in a personal appearance.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Parents/Grandparents Seminar!
Monday July 12th, 7-8:30 PM
(little ones welcome!)
10202 Vanderbilt Dr (NE corner at 102nd Ave.) Naples, Fl 34108
Be sure to get your reservations in! (only room for 40) ~ 591-4565
Living in harmony with nature!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Daily Dose with William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
Daily Dose with William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
Filling your home with mercury
If you've fallen for the compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulb scam, you're the one getting screwed -- in more ways than one.
Not only are these things expensive and dim, they're also dangerous. A reader named Ken wrote in to say that these bulbs did a number on him.
"I think the new CFL light bulbs are death," he wrote. "I am extremely angry at them for allowing them to be sold without a warning on the box!!"
Allowing? Heck, Ken -- they're MANDATING it. CFLs are the law of land, passed by those dim bulbs in Congress. Starting in 2012, America's beacon of freedom is going to be a mercury-laden death ray -- and that light will be shining on YOU.
There's emerging evidence that these bulbs can cause seizures and dizziness, worsen migraine headaches and send lupus patients doubling over in agony. They've been linked to skin disorders and even cancer.
I can only wonder what else they'll discover when hundreds of millions of people are forced to sit under these bulbs all day, every day... at home, at work, and everywhere in between.
Even worse, CFL bulbs are filled with mercury. They'll tell you it's a "tiny" amount, but a single bulb contains enough mercury to contaminate 6,000 gallons of water.
Does that sound safe to you?
Let me shine a little light in this one: Small amounts of mercury can lay waste to your central nervous system, and all it takes is a whiff, taste or touch. Mercury can damage your vision, ruin your speech, wreck your hearing, turn you into a herky-jerky spastic, and give you the rash of a lifetime.
Ever hear the phrase "mad as a hatter?" It's because hatters worked with mercury -- and it literally drove them nuts.
And when the greenies get their way, we'll all be mad hatters. After all, light bulbs break -- and it's just a matter of time before you and your family are exposed to mercury from a shattered CFL bulb.
All that, and I haven't even touched on what's going to happen when all the mercury from discarded and "recycled" bulbs seeps into the ground and ends up in the already-filthy water supply.
I'm no fan of ordinary incandescent lights, either -- I'm convinced they're responsible for poor health and cataracts. But in this case it's a lesser of two evils. And if you hope to keep using them, you'd better stock up now.
Soon, you won't have a choice.
Kiddie juice loaded with lead
OK, so the supposedly earth-friendly CFL light bulbs are packed with poisonous mercury... and now, get this: Your kids and grandkids are sucking back lead like there's no tomorrow.
It ain't just toys and trinkets anymore... a new study finds that some of today's most popular juices, packaged fruits and even baby foods are filled with enough lead to cripple Superman.
The Environmental Law Foundation sent 146 fruit and juice products to an EPA-certified lab, which found lead in 85 percent of them. Didn't matter if it was supermarket swampwater or organic hippie juice -- the lead levels were so high that they should have had warning labels under California law.
If you're like me, you're more than a little tired of all the warning labels out there... but when it comes to lead, those labels were made the old-fashioned way: They earned them.
Lead can stunt the growth of a still-developing nervous system. It can lead to jumpiness, mental disorders and downright stupidity -- and for once, it's not the kid's fault.
Lead exposure can also cause permanent brain damage and even death -- but go ahead, have another sip. It says it's organic -- so it must be safe, right?
High lead levels were found in organic brands such as Earth's Best, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods' 365 Organic Everyday Value. Do yourself a favor and take a look at the full list here.
If any of this stuff is in your fridge, toss it now.
Toss the rest of it, too. Juice -- even the "pure" stuff -- is little more than a sugar injection anyway, and anyone who slurps that junk all day is bound to have serious health problems sooner or later.
Leading the way away from lead,
William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
Filling your home with mercury
If you've fallen for the compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulb scam, you're the one getting screwed -- in more ways than one.
Not only are these things expensive and dim, they're also dangerous. A reader named Ken wrote in to say that these bulbs did a number on him.
"I think the new CFL light bulbs are death," he wrote. "I am extremely angry at them for allowing them to be sold without a warning on the box!!"
Allowing? Heck, Ken -- they're MANDATING it. CFLs are the law of land, passed by those dim bulbs in Congress. Starting in 2012, America's beacon of freedom is going to be a mercury-laden death ray -- and that light will be shining on YOU.
There's emerging evidence that these bulbs can cause seizures and dizziness, worsen migraine headaches and send lupus patients doubling over in agony. They've been linked to skin disorders and even cancer.
I can only wonder what else they'll discover when hundreds of millions of people are forced to sit under these bulbs all day, every day... at home, at work, and everywhere in between.
Even worse, CFL bulbs are filled with mercury. They'll tell you it's a "tiny" amount, but a single bulb contains enough mercury to contaminate 6,000 gallons of water.
Does that sound safe to you?
Let me shine a little light in this one: Small amounts of mercury can lay waste to your central nervous system, and all it takes is a whiff, taste or touch. Mercury can damage your vision, ruin your speech, wreck your hearing, turn you into a herky-jerky spastic, and give you the rash of a lifetime.
Ever hear the phrase "mad as a hatter?" It's because hatters worked with mercury -- and it literally drove them nuts.
And when the greenies get their way, we'll all be mad hatters. After all, light bulbs break -- and it's just a matter of time before you and your family are exposed to mercury from a shattered CFL bulb.
All that, and I haven't even touched on what's going to happen when all the mercury from discarded and "recycled" bulbs seeps into the ground and ends up in the already-filthy water supply.
I'm no fan of ordinary incandescent lights, either -- I'm convinced they're responsible for poor health and cataracts. But in this case it's a lesser of two evils. And if you hope to keep using them, you'd better stock up now.
Soon, you won't have a choice.
Kiddie juice loaded with lead
OK, so the supposedly earth-friendly CFL light bulbs are packed with poisonous mercury... and now, get this: Your kids and grandkids are sucking back lead like there's no tomorrow.
It ain't just toys and trinkets anymore... a new study finds that some of today's most popular juices, packaged fruits and even baby foods are filled with enough lead to cripple Superman.
The Environmental Law Foundation sent 146 fruit and juice products to an EPA-certified lab, which found lead in 85 percent of them. Didn't matter if it was supermarket swampwater or organic hippie juice -- the lead levels were so high that they should have had warning labels under California law.
If you're like me, you're more than a little tired of all the warning labels out there... but when it comes to lead, those labels were made the old-fashioned way: They earned them.
Lead can stunt the growth of a still-developing nervous system. It can lead to jumpiness, mental disorders and downright stupidity -- and for once, it's not the kid's fault.
Lead exposure can also cause permanent brain damage and even death -- but go ahead, have another sip. It says it's organic -- so it must be safe, right?
High lead levels were found in organic brands such as Earth's Best, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods' 365 Organic Everyday Value. Do yourself a favor and take a look at the full list here.
If any of this stuff is in your fridge, toss it now.
Toss the rest of it, too. Juice -- even the "pure" stuff -- is little more than a sugar injection anyway, and anyone who slurps that junk all day is bound to have serious health problems sooner or later.
Leading the way away from lead,
William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
40 million unused doses of flu vaccine destroyed - Big Pharma keeps the profits
US: The government will destroy 40 million doses of unused swine flu vaccine with an additional 30 million expected to be destroyed later this year. Those 70 million doses cost the taxpayers nearly half a billion dollars, while Big Pharma walked away with the profits. [We predict it won't be long before there will be another fraudulent pandemic scare and another round of vaccines. Next time, however, you may be forced to take the shots or be imprisoned.],2933,595724,00.html,2933,595724,00.html
Friday, July 2, 2010
Children's Health Meeting Monday July 12 at 7 PM - Audio, Video and Articles

Children are the most
precious gift in the
Keep your little ones healthy & safe ...
with ShakleeBaby & ShakleeKids nutritional & personal care products.
Always safe, always gentle, always healthy!
Learn how to reduce toxins that affect toddlers & pets.
Parents/Grandparents Seminar
Monday July 12th, 7-8:30 PM
(little ones welcome)
10202 Vanderbilt Dr
(NE corner at 102nd Ave)
Naples, Fl 34108
For reservations call :
Please RSVP 239-591-4565
Living in harmony with nature!
Below are some resources to prepare you for Monday evening’s Parent/Grandparent Seminar.
Bring everyone who cares @ raising healthy little ones! (LMK how many to plan on!)
Here is a 30 minute audio discussion on the science supporting children’s health: AUDIO
Share this 2 minute presentation on personal care and nutritional products for babies: VIDEO
Health Sciences Bulletin concerning the stresses of Motherhood! (What ARE they talking about?!?) J ARTICLE
Reducing children’s risk from toxic household chemicals: ARTICLE
Log in to review the pertinent Shaklee U article.
Shakleebaby and Shakleekids
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