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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The most controversial detail about vaccines has been kept in the dark

The most controversial detail about vaccines has been kept in the dark

The single sickest secret behind vaccines
With all the controversy swirling around vaccines and autism, it seems that the most controversial point of all has essentially been locked in a dark room and deliberately kept from us.
It may not be the vaccines themselves that cause autism but there is one constituent that is causing great alarm (for those who know about it). No, it’s not thimerosal.
And I guarantee even the most ardent supporters of vaccination will be outraged to discover what they have unknowingly been infusing into their bodies and their children’s bodies.
Taking tissue
Helen Ratajczak is a former senior scientist for a drug company. She recently published a review of autism research that spans the full history of the disorder, from 1943 (when autism was first identified) to present.
Ratajczak’s review has important insights about the contents of vaccines and how they could trigger autism. But one detail jumps out. And it’s easy to miss, because it’s hidden in a simple, three-word phrase that appears only once, toward the very end of Ratajczak’s 79-page review.
Here’s the sentence: “An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue.”
Human. Fetal. Tissue.
How was this hidden from us? Why isn’t this information included on every vaccine consent form? Can you imagine how horrified most people would be to find out their children were injected with a vaccine grown in tissue from human fetuses?!
And this is not an isolated case.
The National Network for Immunization Information reports that two different strains of human cell cultures made from fetuses have been used extensively in vaccine production for DECADES.
One strain came from lung cells taken from a female fetus of 3-months gestation, and the other was taken from a male fetus at 14-weeks. In addition, the virus used to make the rubella vaccine was isolated from a third fetus.
The Network further reports that the fetuses were intentionally aborted, but were not aborted for the purpose of harvesting the cells. The resulting cell cultures “have been used to prepare hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines, preventing millions of cases of rubella, hepatitis A, varicella and rabies.”
The defense is that human cells are the best source for vaccines because cells taken from animals can carry animal viruses that would obviously be very harmful in any vaccine.
That’s all great press release writing, but I’m still livid!
Scientists simply should not get to decide whether to share this information or how to rationalize it.
This is an intensely personal issue and everyone should be able to make a decision on vaccination with all the facts in front of them.
How this got kept from us for decades is beyond me.
Right now, there aren’t options to choose a vaccine that wasn’t grown in human fetal tissue. So parents armed with this information can simply choose to vaccinate or not.
But before you make that decision, in tomorrow’s e-Alert, I am going to explain how this horrific secret could also be what is causing the dramatic rise in autism in our children.
“Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes-A review” Helen V. Ratajczak, Journal of Immunotoxicology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2/9/11,
“Vaccines and autism: a new scientific review” Sharyl Attkisson, CBS News, 3/31/11,
“Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines” National Network for Immunization Information, 6/3/08,

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